Between the Lines

Print and Paper Series Launches

Print & Paper from Home: Build a Commonplace Book 

Have you ever wondered how sheets of paper become a book? In this two-part series, participants made and decorated a Commonplace Book. We learned to fold a signature (a set of blank pages), bind it and add a beautiful quote or two. Participants left with a Commonplace book to use for notes or give as a gift. The first virtual session showcased part of the book arts that you can make with basic materials. We concluded with a second session on modern lettering and a short talk on the history of the color blue and how pigments are made. Thanks to Curator Emily Weiner for leading the discussion on paint and Curator Rachel Lavenda for taking us through the making of a book.

Heures Gotiq, 1503
The Nettie Hale Rand Collection of Fine Bindings
Special Collections