How can our libraries better connect, educate and support undergraduate students? This was the focus of four librarians and a representative from library technology this past summer. This summer project team conducted an environmental scan, surveying stakeholders including leaders of campus undergraduate programs, in order to recommend three areas for improving undergraduate engagement.
The team recommended that the libraries expand academic partnerships on campus by:
- identifying subject librarian liaisons to Immersion, Career Services, and Academic affairs
- developing a library component of Vanderbilt Visions
- collaborating with the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion to create new initiatives
They also identified ways to engage with the curriculum:
- creating library success teams that serve each of the four undergraduate years
- creating an online library instruction module
- recruiting a First-Year Experience Librarian
- evaluating the Personal Librarian and Campus Connectors programs
- establishing zoom office hours for peak study times
The team proposed that service to residential colleges be expanded by:
- developing a pilot program for residence halls connecting a liaison with each hall
- participating in residence hall dinners
Over the coming year, our Libraries’ Teaching and Learning initiative will use these ideas to develop a closer connection between our libraries and undergraduates. Stay tuned for developments!