The Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries staff designed a pick-up program (PUP) to safely provide materials that were not accessible while the library buildings were closed due to the pandemic. Staff began processing requests from eager students, staff, faculty, and alumni June 1. News quickly spread, and in a short two weeks the program expanded to include items from most Vanderbilt libraries and our two offsite storage locations. A fulfillment time of 3-5 business days allowed us to following international standards for safety in handling physical library materials. Initially, users could get their items only from the Central library, but once staff were permitted in other buildings, pick-up was expanded to the Anne Potter Wilson Music Library and Peabody Library. Even with our libraries now open to the Vanderbilt Community, the service remains popular, particularly for “remote” users not able to access buildings. Appointment times to pick up materials are staggered to avoid congestion and items are put out five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time in envelopes labeled with the requestors’ name.